View Finder

 I just had to share this gift I gave this past Christmas.  If you are my friend, you will probably see one of these in the future, so....sorry for ruining the surprise.  At this age, it's so hard to find fun gifts for my family, but I saw this a few years back via pinterest and decided the next time the whole family was together I was going to make these.  My cousin flew up with his kids over the 4th, and I took some photos of the different family things we did together and then put them on a disk.  This is NOT a paid advertisement, but...if you don't know what to get the people in your life...I love this idea.
You can personalize the middle of your disk with a photo and then add 7 pictures around the sides with captions that pop out in 3D.  The more your order, the cheaper the device.  You can order the viewfinder in several different colors (from a company called retroviewer), and even add a personal message on the view finder.  In the future, I'll be ordering more of these little disk as the family gets together so that we have a collection.  Like I said, I don't get anything for blogging about this, but I just loved this gift.  I used this company, but I'm sure there are others out there.  OK...I'm done, but....seriously, so fun!

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