Burlap Wreath

Amanda and Taylor told me about this wreath tutorial they found on line for a Burlap Wreath.  It's so disgustingly cute, I can't even stand it.  I have about six wreaths in every room of my house, and 58 in my garage, but I 'needed' a wreath like this.  The flowers on top can be exchanged each holiday with a new tag, and flower, but I decided this guy wants a permanat home. I didn't have a single wreath in my kitchen :insert gasp:!  The tags can be seasonal as well, but 'laugh' pretty much covers so many of my cooking attempts...I knew I could look up and smile at my cooking motto-laugh.  Someday I'm going to start a blog about all my failures, but I'm going to be medicated first. 
Anyway....as for the wreath.  The supplies are a foam wreath, a glue gun, pins, and three strips for 4 inch by 70 inch burlap fabric, and then whatever you want for flower-ee acceories. 
You take one strip and wrap it around the wreath (secure with glue at the start and finish, don't wrap too closely together or it won't make it all the way around).  Take the other two strips, and sew a very loose line up one side of the other two burlap strips.  Pull to ruffle.  Pin it in place (I pinned the two ends together, and then laid it across the wreath in a circular form. 
You glue one to the back on the outer edge, and one on the front at the inner edge.  There should be one portion of the burlap that is finished, and I used this in the exposed inner circle. 
To make a ragged edge, just start pulling the edges of the burlap out until you get a fridge that matches your fringie wishes.  If you are a perfectionist....get over it.  Burlap is completely unforgiving, and part of it's charm is that it is a completely imperfect line of fabric.  Embrass the imperfection....my friends have to...daily. 
OK...and I thought this big no sew flower was so stinking clever!  Taylor came up with this process, and I'm pretty sure I want to open a fabric flower shop. 
All you have to do is cut a piece of fabric....about 20 inches by 8 inches, grab a pipe cleaner.
Throw some lint and misc dog hair on your floor.  This is necessary to the success for your project, just trust me.  If you don't have a dog, you can borrow one of mine for a week or 15.  Let me know. 
Take your glue gun, and run a line down the length of the inside of the fabric about 1/2 inch shy of the halfway mark.  I'm point to the general area you'd run the line (I couldn't photograph the process, glue dries to fast). 
You should have an opening a little wider than your pipe cleaner now.  Run it down the length of your glued fabric. 
Pull both ends together. 
Pull into a circle.  You don't have to finish off the outside edges because they are going to curl under.  Pull it tight and twist it tight.  Ta da. 
My wreath got a red flower.  Once you place this guy on a wreath, or a pin, you can glue it down to the shape you want it.  Case in point. 
Ultimately, I added a button to the center of this one, but that's because I am an unsuccessful member of bottons-on-every-project-anonymous.  They are cute by themselves as well.  This brings me to flower two....burned edge poppies, that tutorial was yesterday, but I can't talk about fire much more this week because there is a physiciatrist somewhere with a clipboard, just waiting to check a few more boxes off before they show up at my door.  I grabbed one more (dotted) flower, already made at Hobby lobby, and some fluffy feather stuff (also from Hobby Lobby).  Add tag...
I then I hung this in my kitchen. 
I'm off to make another wreath...my attic is poorly neglected in the wreath department. 


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM

    LOL!! Your statement about your cooking failures and medication made me giggle!!! I love your wreath, and it looks adorable hung in your kitchen!!! Great tutorial!!! I'm adding this to my list of "to do" tutes! :) Thanks for sharing it!! LOVE it!!!

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Nice job! I know I could do this now - my dog doesn't shed but the cats do!
    Great commentary, Christy!

  3. Another great project! Thanks for linking up to "Amaze Me Monday" blog meme.

  4. I love how you made that flower!
    I'd love for you to link up here:

  5. Wow, great job on the burlap wreath, I love it! Thank you for joining in on Masterpice Monday. Mary :O)

  6. This is super cute. I love how you did the flowers. It's just so simple and easy...my two favorite things for crafts! I host a linky party on the weekends called Sew Crafty Saturday. I would love for you to check it out and come link up this weekend!

  7. this is EXTREMELY adorable! malia

  8. Love it!! Thanks for the how to make flowers there 'cause I've been wanting to know! Thanks for sharing.


  9. Hi Christy, I love your burlap wreath! I just wanted to let you know that I featured it this week on my "Top 10 Fav Picks" at Boogieboard Cottage. Have a great weekend! Mary :O)
