Article Number 3: Snow Days

 Here's my third article, that ran this morning in the Dallas Morning News. 
     I sat down to write last week, enjoying my fourth snow day, three more than I've ever received in a year, soon to be followed by my 5th snow day this week.  I had so much to say on everything-budget cuts, job losses, unrest in Egypt, Armageddon, issues with potty training a two year old chihuahua, paper or plastic, you name it, I had an opinion.
 None of my opinions were polished, but my deadline was looming, and so....I wrote about snow days. 
I gave myself a break from trying to polish up my other opinions on those' other things.'  I'm getting there, I have a plan for a future article, I just need to find the words, and the time to string those words together. 
    So, last week, I enjoyed my time off, I, literally, set at least 2 weeks worth of stuff to post in the future that I had time to complete, AND I wrote an article....all about snow days.  Fluffy, fun, just because I can. 


  1. I enjoyed your article Christy....

  2. I enjoyed your article. I live up North where we always get snow. but because we are so used to it,we don't get a lot of days off. We had one a couple of weeks ago and it was a nice break. I'm hoping to get another tomorrow. Your article was spot on, except I usually spend part of the day trying to get caught up on my lessons without having to worry about students and other teachers bothering me.

  3. thanks for the great insight into a kids mind only made better over time and experience. thanks for putting into words what I still feel, too.

  4. Aw Christy, I'm so far behind reading my blogs, so I just now saw this and wanted to saw what a great piece it is - it's really nice to hear a teachers perspective - hoping for snow days - knowing that you follow the same frantic channel surf waiting for Dallas and Fort Worth to close so that hopefully the suburbs will follow! ;) Loved it, thanks for the link!
