True Love is Blind...and it Barks

I promise to get back to crafts tomorrow, but in honor of Valentine's Day: 
(Most of) The following post is brought to you by my iphone. 
Pull up a box of chocolate...or dog biscuits, and please sit and enjoy the beauty that is...
Peanut+Lilly=4 Ever
Once upon a ten years ago I rescued Lilly from the SPCA. 
Chapter Two...9 years later:  I stole Peanut from my brother when he was about 6 months old...Peanut, not my brother. 
Chapter Three:  They fell in love.   Cougar.
Nobody keeps Lilly's eyes as clean (daily) as Peanut does....
Nobody rolls around on their back and plays a strange (20 minute, 4x's daily) game of biting, barking, growling, and wagging as well as Lilly. 
Speaking of 'bodies'.....nobody makes as nice of a perch....
Or a dog bed...
Or eye mask so the lights don't disturb little chihuahua's beauty sleep.,,
Chapter Three:  Fastforward two years, as all great romances goes when you love this deeply...things got a little messy when I brought a pillow pet into their lives. 
Peanut likes big women, he dragged it around, stood in corners and cried.  He licks it's purple furr.  Nibbles on it's horn....and :insert weeping: sleeps on it's back. 
Could he ever need Lilly again? 
Was their love lost forever?
Chapter Four:  Yes.  And.  No.
  ....And they all lived Happily Ever After


  1. I've had you on my GoogleReader for a year or so now and this may well be my favorite post yet. Can you tell our family loves dogs? Lilly and Peanut are so sweet! Tell them that our Mick and Stevie hopes they have a happy Valentine's Day.

  2. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Oh my goodness Christy, sweetest couple EVER!!!! I love your little furbabies, and those are the most adorable photos. Looks like they both have huge personalities!!! Awww...Happy Valentine's Day to you, Lilly and Peanut!!

  3. Way too cute. Love her sitting all over your big fur puppy.

  4. aww what sweethearts...Happy Hearts day...

  5. This post totally made my day! Thanks for sharing all the cute/funny pics.

  6. So stinkin' cute!!!

  7. Aww! Thanks for the smile. Those little pups are too cute :)

  8. Christy, you're too funny! Don't rush off to put Peanut on diet; my female just happens to be built like a tiny Greyhound. My male Chihuahua is a lot like yours...honey colored fur, built solid, and has a preference for cleaning eyes.

  9. YAY!!! Love the babies! I have a golden and a chihuahua too!!! Love my pups!
