Vintage Pattern Pocket Organizer

 I saw the idea for these pockets at Just Something I Made.  I fell in love.   I knew I had to try it out.  I went on the hunt for vintage patterns.  I found quite a few at antique stores....after I bought a Lot on I have about 30 more of these guys for projects....guess I better get to thinking because you can only use so many pockets in your life...the exact number you 'need' is apparently 34.  I used three of these to make storage pockets for one of the closets in my house I'm attempting to redo. 
The process was really easy (per the original link).  You slice off the very bottom of the pattern, and cut the back in half.  I used some of the instruction sheets inside and folded it over for a backing to mount the pockets on.  I used the tabs for labeling.  I went to a store near me (Mardel's) that has laminated for .25 cents a square foot.  You can buy laminating sheets from stores as well, but I like the heated version. 
 Fold the back into the shape below. 
 Tape down the patterns (the tape can be removed later).  The original tutorial has these horizontal pockets, but these fit better in my close vertically.  I taped the tabs above each pocket. 
 A close up of the taped pockets. 
 Sew them down with one straight line. 
 Sew a strip across the bottom. 
 Two lines across the label at the top, and then I attached a tab to write on, though you could write directly on these with a visa vis or permanent marker and use nail polish remover to rewrite it. 
 Example label.  Again, the original tutorial used some vintage labels, but I just used clipart and put one of these blue shapes onto box and printed. 
I heart these so much I'm thinking about actually getting that closet moving so they can hang.  Emphasis on thinking.  Hey, it's still an action word.


  1. What a great idea. I love the pictures on vintage patterns and this is a great functional way to display them.


  2. I have never seen these before! Cute idea.

  3. Darling, darling, darling!!!

  4. I'm saving this idea for my new sewing room I am planning.

  5. Love this! What a great idea to reuse those vintage packages that are too adorable to discard! Hope you will share with my Pink Hippo Party @

  6. This is absolutely adorable. I hope you'll stop by Jacque's Soda Parlor and share it on "Sundae Shake Up" link party. I'm sure the ladies over there would love to see it.

    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

  7. Wow... REALLY love this! Great pattern choices, too. Those drawings are adorable :)

  8. You are so talented! I featured your post this week on my top ten at Boogieboard Cottage.

    Have a great weekend, Mary :O)

  9. You are so talented! I featured your post this week on my top ten at Boogieboard Cottage.

    Have a great weekend, Mary :O)

  10. Hey Christy!
    Thanks for linking up your super cute pattern pockets at the Tuesday To Do Party last week! Adorable! I saw somewhere in blogland where someone used the actual patterns as wrapping paper...just in case you needed yet another idea! (How embarrassing if I saw it here! Oh, well, that would be about par for the course with me!)
    I'm trying to get caught up after finally getting my commenting issues resolved!
    Have a great week!
