Good Morning, Texas: Valentine's Crafts

 Today on Good Morning, Texas I'm sharing some Valentine's Crafts.  I only have 2/3 of the final products photographed b/'s been a busy week.  I'll get that last one snapped sometime, but in the meantime....I'll post the video on facebook later.
In no particular order, I'll be sharing the above banner.  SOOOOO easy.  I have done this several different times in multiple is that super simple tutorial.
 Then....this argyle Valentine's Day Wreath.  I have a friend this is going to be perfect for.  She's argyle obsessed.  I do love the yarn wreath. crafting talent is actually needed to make this guy.  Here is a fall yarn wreath I made in the past, and the tutorial for the Valentine's Wreath lives here on my blog.
Last up the last minute mystery craft.  It involves glitter, mod podge, and an old mayo jar.   It's a glittered candle holder.  I mixed the glitter in the mod podge.  Stuck a heart sticker inside the jar and rolled the glitter around until all the walls were coated.  I let it dry a few days and the glue dried clear, so the glitter is stuck to the wall.  I peeled the heart off so there is a little clear heart in a glittered jar.  Picture pending, video to come soon.  Note to anyone trying this-I'd peel the heart off before the glue is totally dried.  It did come off, but I had to be more careful b/c there was also a layer where the heart met the jar that wanted to come off too.
OK....I think that just about covers it!  Get your craft on....there only a month left until Saint Patrick's Day and I've got a few fun ones I'm working on to share....even though I always forget it's even Saint Patrick's Day, rarely wear green, but haven't been pinched since I was about 12....but maybe this year....the green thing, not the pinching thing...

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