More Bows...

 There are twelve step programs for people like....I heart making bows....I think mostly b/c you can make these for mere pennies.  Seriously.  The above bows I made using only scraps for a friend of mine that just had a baby girl.  Some of these styles I've done before...but there are a few new ones I tried out....
This one reminds me of a yoyo.  She wanted a bright blue bow and I had this fabric left over from a project where I decided on a darker blue at the last minute....I could make about 30 more of these with that fabric....whoops.
 Super simple.  I cut a strip about 20 inches by 1 1/2 inches.
 I stitched loosely up the length of the fabric fabric, folding it together.
 I then started pulling the fabric and wrapping it around it circles until I had what I wanted.  I sewed all of those layers together and added a button to the middle, then add some elastic.
 This next flower I used another strip about the same size, but just rolled it around and around.  Here is a tutorial.  I glued it all down to a piece of fabric, attached felt leaves and elastic and then added one more piece of fabric with hot glue to cover that all up.
 I made this little felt flower.  Here is that super simple tutorial.  Made from scraps from a felt road I made for my nephew.
 For this bottom flower (my favorite), I used this felt flower tutorial.  I used scraps from a project I had leftover white fabric.  When I make these with felt, I cut six circles and fold them into fourths, but since fabric is so much lighter, I used 8 and overlapped the second set where the creases were.  Then I added two pearls and a crystal bead.
 I hot glued the elastic, then covered my mess with a little circle of fabric.

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