The Decades: The Breakfast Club

This probably won't change anyone's life, but this is a little something we put together at work for a data driven meeting.  It's always good to feed people when you start talking numbers, charts, graphs, and groups.  We 'invited' (aka informed teachers they have to go) the teachers via an invitation attached to this spoon.  This is cute quote towards the end of the movie, it's attached to one side with a picture, and the other side had our quick version of the letter for 'our' breakfast club meeting. 
There are five characters, so my teammate and I grabbed 5 different kinds of cereal, attached pictures of the five detention serving cast members, added milk and scoops, and crunched our way through the meetings. 


  1. such a cute simple!

  2. This is so cute! I would love for you to link it up at my linky party ;)!

  3. LOVE it! Such a great idea! I never in a million years would have thought of something so simple but cute! Hope it made the meeting a little better!

  4. Again - totally cute! Loved that movie too!

  5. I LOVE this idea! I wish I worked in a world of breakfast meetings now so I could do it too! I love the film, and it's one of my Karl's favourite movies ever :)

  6. That may change my life!! My mouth dropped open when I saw that! I am so going to use this...I have to ask teachers to give up their planning periods too from time to time. I love it!!!!!
