The Decades: Ghost Buster's Slimmer Pudding

Remember Ghost Buster?  Remember Slimmer?  I think he's a necessary addition to any 80's dessert bar.  I dyed some vanilla pudding with a few drops of green dye, and then used whipped cream, and mini chocolate chips for the ghost (Slimmer... in his slime,  I could have piped him on with a carton of whipped cream to make him a little more perfect, but I leave perfection to other people, it's not my calling.  I think you definitely need the 'No Ghost' Sign for this guy on that imaginary 80's dessert bar!  The good news is...use the right ingredients and he's tasty and low calorie. 


  1. you have so many cute ideas...

  2. haha, yes ghost busters does take us back. Very great idea.

  3. Hah hahahahahah! "I leave perfection to other people, it's not my calling." LOVE IT! Oh, and I love the Slimer dessert, too.

  4. You just rock! So cool. We just watched Ghostbusters over the holiday break. My son loved it!

  5. Really cute! I'm not sure about the green pudding myself, but my daughter would eat it. Loved Ghostbusters as a kid!

  6. My kids would love this! I ain't afraid of no ghost!
