The Decades: Pac-Man Cookies

Ms. Pacman is my all time favorite game.  This year at work, I made some of these and delivered them with some 'reading information' at the beginning of the year.  I marked off each new section with the fruit eaten in the game (instead of bullets).  I even researched the fruit Ms. Pacman eats, and the order she eats it in within the life changing game of Ms. Pacman.  I would like to file this post under-"Things I do, and spend too much time thinking about that nobody else will ever notice, but it matters to me, oh yes indeed, I would still be losing sleep if I didn't do this...."  Not to be confused with my file labed, "Run on sentence, why they make life more interesting, who should use them, why the world can't live without them, ever, never ever, not one day should go by without a run on."
In other news, Ms. and Mr. Pacman were easy to throw together.  I cut out a circle of sugar cookie dough, then used a sharp knife to carve out their mouths. 

I then iced them (the bows are actually heart sprinkles, and I think the mini kisses make her look like she has lashes, which she does, because she's glamorous. I left off her lips, though I could have used smaller hearts, it was just too much for me)  I used this method for icing, and I added a T. of light corn syrup to my icing, and let the sit on a tray in the (cool) oven overnight so the icing would harden, and they could be bagged, like this...
I'm sure these cookies, and the riveting reading information went a long way in changing the lives of the teachers I work with....In the immortal words of my childhood, 90's self, "Not!"
Linking To:
Dittle Dattle CRAFT Keeping it Simple CraftOManiac I Heart Naptime Simpsonized Crafts Topsy Turvy Tip Junkie These Creative Juices Night Owl Crafting Paisley Passions Tea Rose Sassy Sites


  1. I gotta' know about the literature you put with the cookies! You've piqued my interest.

  2. so cute...I tend to do that also...

  3. How cute... the Pac Man games are about the only ones I could ever master.

  4. Love your train of thought, run on sentence thinking. Glad to see you let it all out and share. Thanks for the smile.

  5. I came across this qqote by Marcus Bridgstocke yesterday and when I read your post today, I had to go find it and share with you. LOL!

    If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.

  6. Oh My Gosh! This is so stinkin cute! My family would LOVE them.

  7. These are awesome! I love the bow on Ms. Pac-Man.

  8. These are perfect! I was just talking to my son about Pac man when I was trying to explain to him that no, I can not help you with your vodeo game because the only games they had when I was younger (and I mean high school because they weren't even invented before that!) were Pac man and Astroids. That's my ability level.

    I can't wait to make your cookies!!! And I love Ms. Pac Man's bow!!!

  9. Oh, I love this. My daughter loves the 80s and I have thought of having her an 80s Sweet 16 next year. These would be so neat to serve. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh my, Christy - These are adorable. Major flashbacks! You always come up with the cutest treats :)


  11. these are too cute! Nice work, I love pac man!

  12. How cute!!! My 10 yr old daughter loves to play pac-man. :)

  13. This brings back memories! They look delicious, too!

  14. Awww the memories these bring back! So creative! I found your blog from tip junkie.

  15. Oh my heck! So stinkin' cute!!

  16. Such a neat idea!

  17. This would be perfect for an 80's party!
    Awesome, thanks for linking up this week!

  18. Super cool cookies, and yes i totally get your obsessing over the little details and accuracies, even if they don't :)

  19. So that's the secret to getting your frosting to harden! Sweet info, thanks bunches! Very cute cookies too!

  20. Very cute! You "AMAZE ME"! Thank you for linking up to the "Amaze Me Monday" blog party!!

  21. Lovely!!!! I am TOTALLY like you, doing research and adding details most people wont notice! What a fun idea!
