The Decades: Record Bowl

I saw this idea awhile ago on the Greenbean Crafterole.  She found it on youtube, and I just love it! know, as opposed to all the ideas I see, try, and share that I hate.  ;o)  I love this because it doesn't get a whole lot easier! 
I found a record at the Thrift Store for a Dollar. 
Instead of using two bowls, I wanted my record a little wider.  I pulled out some pans and rigged the basic shape I wanted. 
I heated the oven to about 225 and placed the record in the middle of the bowls.  It melted down within just a few short minutes. 
I could have placed another bowl over the record to make it curl up more dramatically, but I wanted a wider bowl so I can see the junk it catches. 


  1. I went to a music themed wedding once and they had those little bowls as part of their centerpieces. They are very fun!

  2. Another great project, Christy! I've seen these for sale at stores, and I can't believe how easy it is to make them! I should make mini bowls out of all the 45s I have from middle school:)

  3. well how neat is that!!! I love the idea!

  4. Super cool!!

    I saw these 'bowls' at a craft show last year and loved them!! I was wondering how she did.

  5. Does it make your house smell like burning plastic? I really want to try this!

  6. it turned out fab!...i love how you did a wider one!....aren't these so much fun to make?...

  7. This is uber cool! I never knew it was so easy to do this! I'm totally doing this for gifts for next Christmas, if I remember! I hope I do!

  8. Looks great! Very creative, thanks for linking!

  9. Anonymous6:13 PM

    gahhhh, I made these ALL the time!
    (matter of fact, I just made about 12 more for a craft show)
    I use various sized Pyrex bowls - I love them :)

    In answer to someone elses question - the house doesn't smell like burnt plastic as your oven is only on about 250 or 300 degrees and you watch it carefully til they begin to droop (and they cool quickly)

    Yours looks great

    Lori (Craftylicious)
