Salad: Fruit Salad Collage

The best part of this salad is....there are no calories at all.  I saw this cute project for making a fruit collage for your kitchen on Oh, Write.  In my quest to have one slice of art work (I use the term lightly) by me, in each room of my house, I decided to try this out.  It was really easy, and fun, and has me motivated to do some other, similiar projects.  In her tutorial, she uses little square boards, that would have made this totally free, but I decided to use these little canvases from the dollar section (in the toy area) of Michaels. 
I also grabbed two sheets of paper, and scraps I keep from scrapbook projects, mod podge, and black paint. 
I painted the edge of the canvases. 
I then cut the paper down to size, and used my scraps, scissors, and random shape punches to make my fruit salad of choice.  I've recently completed some kitchen renovations, so I'll take a picture of them in their new home soon!
Linking To:
Scrappy Gifts


  1. I adore those canvases from Michael's! So many different uses. I love what you did with them.

  2. Love your fruit collages! They look great, and this idea could totally be adapted to different styles for different rooms :)

  3. love those! i like the pop of color against the black and white.

  4. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Very Cute!! I love it, you did an awesome job!! Can't wait to see more!!! Hope you're having a wonderful week!! :)

  5. Oh just adorable!

  6. Love the style and perfect for the kitchen. Thanks for linking this up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this today!
