Salad: My Favorite Caesar Salad

Years ago (at the advice of a friend) I ordered these recipe cards that came once a month...along with a bill.  It didn't take me long to stop b/c I just didn't find much I liked in the series of cards, and I just didn't want to pay for recipe cards.  This dressing/salad recipe is the one reason it was all worth it.  I really like Caesar Salad, I really love this salad from the dressing to the dressing?!?!  It's easy.  It's good.  I make it a lot.  Really, all I make is the dressing, and I just throw the rest of the stuff in, but I  like this dressing! I would go so far as to say it's my favorite Caesar, but that's probably just b/c I know there are no anchovies in this version!
Dressing:  Use a blender and blend 2 cloves of garlic, chopped, 1/4 c. olive oil, 1/4 c. Parmesan cheese, shredded, 1 T. Worcestershire Sauce, 1/4 t. dry mustard, 1/2 t. salt, 2 T. lemon juice (about 1/2 of a lemon). 
To Put the Salad Together, You will Need:  One head of romaine lettuce, chopped;  2 chicken breast, seasoned, grilled, and sliced; two hard boiled eggs, sliced, 1 package of croutons, 1/4 c. Parmesan cheese.  Dressing.  Toss, and serve.
Linking To:
Simply Sweet Home Fun to Craft Fun with Food Sugar Bananas


  1. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Look and sounds YUMMY!!! I'm so glad I found your blog. You have some wonderful recipes!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!!

  2. I love ceasar salad... but I bet you don't get as many comments on salads as you do on cupcakes!

  3. I love Caesar Salad. It's actually my favorite. Anchovies can always be omitted! ;P

    Please feel free to link up to Share a Spoon today. We're doing soup, salad and sandwiches!

  4. O this is perfect! I always wondered if you could make a caesar salad without anchovies and it still taste good. I am saving this and will try it soon. Thanks!

  5. That right there is my favorite meal EVER!!! Well, with a side of fries =o) Looks delish!

  6. Looks great! Something about the hard boiled egg just completes the salad. Thanks for posting this recipe :)


  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    that looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  8. I have read so many recipes for my next party since morning but nothing dare to try even though the salads , I want to know if there is any simple salad which can be decorating in the table and looks good.
    Caesar Salad Recipe
