Salad: Pasta Ranch Salad

OK, maybe this isn't exactly low calorie, but it would be great with a low calorie dish like grilled chicken.  My friend, Sonia, shared this super easy recipe with me, and despite the fact that I'm not a huge fan of cucumbers or ranch, somehow this works.  Did I mention it was easy?  It leaves me plenty of time to go to the gym...can't....write....laughing....too...hard. 
Back to the real world.  Basically, boil your favorite pasta (or whatever is in the pantry).  Drain, and toss with ranch dressing (again, it's a judgement call, I just put enough to coat, but...add seasonings if you keep it on the lighter ranch side) toss in shredded Parmesan, and cucumber slices.  Again, I didn't really measure, it's all a judgement call, but the combination is great.  I think this goes best with grilled chicken...and a side of brownies.


  1. haha! I think anything goes "best" with a side of brownies!!

    This salad looks yummy too!

  2. Girl, I love reading your blog. You had it linked up somewhere, and I started checking in on your postings. Love your sense of humor, and you have some cute ideas!

  3. Not a fan of ranch?! Okay so finally something we DON'T have in common! I have made a salad like that, but with quite a few more vegetables and a few pinches of Good Seasoning's Dry Italian Dressing Mix. Very good, but yours sounds quicker.
