Apron Winner....

#30, Peggy, you are the 'winner' of the Anthro inspired apron.  The decision was made with a panel of witnesses....and when I say witnesses, three  out of them are of the four legged variety, but I assure you it was a random drawing.  Random...one of my favorite words.  See the judging process from previous giveaway here.  I run a tight ship.
I have another giveaway coming soon...just as soon I as I relocate the item....ooops. 


  1. Yay!! I'm SO happy I won!!
    So, maybe I'm being dense, but I couldn't seem to find your email add to send you my info...

  2. Hi Christy, you won my dino giveaway! Please email me by reply so I can sort out the details with you :)
