Teacher Appreciate: Duct Tape Notebook

I love school supplies.  I love to bling it out, and I had a lot of fun making cute notepads out of fun food boxes, thanks to Erin's great tip, the link to that project, and inspiration are here.  ...fast forward a few months, and I saw this idea of duct tape spirals here.  This literally took about one minute, and that's because I decided to match up the pattern on my duct tape.  All it took was this notepad, and this super cute duct tape, a gift from Sarah.  I had to show her my appreciation, right?
 Cut, tape, cut, tape.  It would be super simple to add a die cut letter on the front, or make the cover fun in a plethora of ways. 
Plethora, my favorite word...use it in a plethora of ways, and you'll feel better about your life...or at least your vocabulary.  I added a flower and a button b/c that' the kind of girl I am.  Duct tape and flowers, every man's dream. 
Duct tape-a completely under explored crafting avenue for me, but I have a whole roll...watch out world!
Linking To:  Sundae Scoop Craft Envy


  1. I love that duct tape! Cute makeover, Christy.

  2. What a great way to use that pretty duct tape! I've long admired all the fun designs --- love what you did with it!

  3. I have some zebra duct tape that this would be a perfect project for. Thanks for posting it.

  4. cute duct tape...where did you find it??? we used hot pink duct tape on our luggage when we went to NY...cause everyone has black luggage...ours stood out...

  5. Deb, my friend bought this for me, but I've seen it at craft stores like Michael's, as well as shops like Target. :O)

  6. Great job! I love the duct tape! Unfortunately they don't sell those here in Germany..

    I am hosting my first linky party today and would love for you to link up! :) {nifty thrifty sunday}

  7. I am in love with your duct tape!!! I have made dresses with plain duct tape, but now there is so much we can do!

  8. LOVE IT! And your blog. (I've never seen such cute duck tape)
    I'm your newest follower

