Mother's Day: My Grandmother's Beef Stroganoff

I'm not huge on red meat. I'm not really a big 'meat' fan. I never have been, and I certainly don't like it when it star's in a dish, but for some reason, I have always loved this version of Beef Stroganoff. Maybe it's b/c I grew up with it (via my Grandmother's recipe), but I doubt that b/c I spent more time resisting the meals my Mom made when I was little as opposed to embracing them. When I requested a dish, this was one of the two I always asked for when I was younger, when I came home from college, and on the occasional special occasion when my Mom brings her pots and pans out of retirement. I don't like any other version, but I like this one, though I still like a little beef with my noodle platter. The rest of my family would have the reverse of my plate, so it all evens out in the end!
Ingredients: 1 lb. ground beef, 1 onion, chopped, 1/4 c. butter, 2 T. flour, 1 t. salt, 1 t. garlic salt, 1/4 t. pepper, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 c. sour cream, 1 package egg noodles, cooked as directed.
In a large skillet cook 1 lb of ground beef, 1 chopped white onion, 1/4 c. butter. Cook until onion is tender, and beef is browned. Drain excess fat. Stir in 2 T of flour, 1 t salt, 1 t. garlic salt, 1/4 t. pepper. Cook for 5 minutes stirring constantly.
Stir in 1 can of cream of chicken soup. Simmer for ten minutes.
Stir in 1 c. of sour cream.
Pour over cooked egg noodles.


  1. Beef stroganoff is my all-time favorite meal. We have it like every other week. The only real difference between yours and mine is that I use beef broth instead of cream of chicken soup and onion powder instead of an actual onion. Love it!

  2. looks good...I love beef...

  3. Yummy...had this last night! Mike loved it. I'm gonna link to your post when I blog about it. :)
