11 Things for Summer 2011

Today was my first day of summer, minus one work meeting. The highlight of my day was eating Mike and Ike instead of dinner...and killing a spider that was ginormous (no witnesses, just one squished spider, and it's going to get bigger when I tell this story tomorrow).  I need a gold star for bravery...and the number to a good therapist, but I'm probably not going to be able to acquire either, so....I'll make a list.  11 things I want/plan to do during the summer of 2011. 
1.  Create some labels for my blog and a new header....I've been working on some bigger labels for awhile...we will see how this goes.  
2.  Get cracking on more Christmas gifts, we are almost halfway there, and my dent needs to get much deeper!  Unacceptable.
3.  Complete my Europe album (I'm going on my annual scrapbooking retreat mid-July, so hopefully this will be possible...I'm several years behind now!).
4.  I'm going on a cruise in a few week's to Alaska (I've already set some post to post while I'm gone...and hopefully I'll come home with more things to post). 
5.  I'm going somewhere strange for a strange reason....I'll be blogging about this in late July.  It may be the weirdest thing I ever post on my blog. 
6. I'm going on a mission trip to the Amazon in August...this is not referring to #5.  I'm looking forward to sharing more details about this trip, all the amazing experiences I've had preparing....and, God willing, an amazing journey to blog about after my safe return. 
7.  I'm taking my butt back to the gym.....and I'm thinking about even going in for a little while. 
8.  I'm not going to eat Mike and Ike for dinner anymore....I'm going to actually :gasp: try to cook a few healthy meals....emphasis on a few.  I probably won't post about these....
9.  I'll probably complete a craft or 245.....tomorrow...and I'll probably blog about it....and set it to post a year and a half from now b/c the rest of the dates are pretty full. 
10.  I'm going to clean this house before TLC pulls up with a filming crew and a new show idea...What Not to Wear/Buy/Keep/Say....
11.  I'm going to make a few more list....just because that's how God made me.


  1. Love number seven!

  2. #7 is pretty great, but I also see you're doing lots of traveling, which is exciting!

  3. good for you girl...sounds like a fun summer...and fun for us too seeing what you are up to...

  4. I can't wait to hear about your trips, Christy. You have a busy summer ahead of you :) Enjoy it!

  5. Sounds fun!!! You forgot the one where you come visit your BBFF! :)
