Vintage Quilt Blocks

 I wish I made these, but I did have the good sense to buy these and put them in one of the 7,654 blue mason jars I've grabbed.  I found these at an antique store in Clarksville, TN.  These little blocks are made from old quilts.  I love old quilts, the story behind the fabrics, and then the product itself.  The problem is most well loved quilts haven't held up well through the years.  Whoever made these had the clever idea of cutting out the best parts into squares.  They used a blanket stitch to piece together the cubes. 
My jar of quilt 'blocks' now lives in my guest room. 


  1. so cute...gonna show these to my Mom...she will love them...

  2. Great find, Christy. I love the idea of displaying them in a mason jar.

  3. How adorable...I'm always looking for a way to use a vintage quilt that is no longer able to serve its purpose.
