Dallas Morning News Article #5

This article ran in the front section of Saturday's section.  I diverted a little from strictly speaking about education, though I had to tie it into the end of the article.  It ran in a different section, which was sort of interesting to be linked to another group.  I have another one due towards the end of July....I'm still deciding what it will be about, but I need to get kicking, I don't have the excuse of work keeping me from sitting down and really delving into my thoughts, and the words I want to use to express them.
The most interesting part of this whole thing has been the editing.  I've always taken the long route to say things, and having someone go up and pick up my pieces of word garbage...it's interesting.  :O) 
And without further ado (I had to go the long route, of course...) I'm attaching my link to my living journal of my journey to....who knows, I'll let you know when I get there. 
 Christy Robbins: What can prison tell us about our priorities? | Opinion, Commentary, Editorials, Op-Ed and Letters to the Editor - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

1 comment

  1. hmmm... looks like I can't read it without becoming a subscriber. bummer.
