Lori's Cake Plate Tier

I saw this idea last fall on Lori's blog here, and I knew I 'had' to try it out.  So clever!  I love dishes when they are a set of hodge podge. 
I originally bought these dishes too try this out. 
I was really excited to find the funky leopard print at a Goodwill Store.  I snagged the candle holders at the Dollar Tree (before discovering they are even cheaper at thrift shops), and then I added some Gorilla Glue to hold then all together.  Unfortunately, I lifted up the bottom plate to move the whole stand as soon as I was finished glueing, and the top place slide off and broke.  Apparently leopard print dishes aren't easy to come by...oops.  I, literally, went at least 15 places looking for one, from thrift shops, to every shop in between.  I finally went 'vintage' and found the blue and green plate in my completed piece at thrift stores, and I caved and bought the red plate for more than I usually spend on hodge podge at an antique store.  I can't wait to fill this gal up with tea snacks. 

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the shout out Christy! I loved that project and yes you need the heavy duty glue and work fast to make sure everything is straight before you let it set. No going back. I used mine a lot over the holidays can't wait to bring it out again. Have a great summer, Lori
