Banana Pops

No rocket science involved in this recipe, or effort, or skill, or multiple ingredients. It's summer, and it shows....everywhere, including my blog today. Tomorrow I'll get back to glue sticks, and solving the problem of world peace (or lack there of), and political unity, but I laze.
I love banana fudgecicles. I never eat them, even though they sell them where I work. I've never bought one at work. I don't know why. I just don't get them at work, but I know I can, which makes it OK. Except now I can't. AND because I won't be able to purchase the pops I never purchase anyway for at least two and a half months, all the sudden, that's a problem. I've looked for these at the store, though they are made by a pretty well-known ice cream company, and I just can't find them! I decided recently to search for a recipe online. I liked the way they turned out. They aren't as 'soft' as the fudge cycles are, but the flavor was good. Because I have restraint :insert laughter: I decided not to buy one of those 'popsicle' freezer thingies. I had two boxes of dixie cups in my pantry I recently discovered. I can't explain why I have these. I don't think I've used a dixie cup since I was five, but they came in handy for these.

I mixed it up, and they filled up four of these dixie cups. It was great b/c I could just peal the paper off the sides.

The Recipe:
1 banana, mashed (I might add a second one next time)
3 T banana pudding mix (you'll have left over so you can double the recipe easily)
1 C. Milk
Mix, pour until containers, and freeze.


  1. Oh how i long for a banana. they cost $15 a kilo = 6 banana's here in Queensland. I didn't realize i would miss them sooo much. Ours are slowly ripening on our tree. Your Popsicle look so good i can almost taste them.

  2. Perfect summer treat! Wow, I didn't realize from the above comment that banana's could be expensive. Like one of our cheapest fruits to buy. They are a no no fruit on my eating plan, so ..... I miss them too.

  3. Perfect summer treat! Wow, I didn't realize from the above comment that banana's could be expensive. Like one of our cheapest fruits to buy. They are a no no fruit on my eating plan, so ..... I miss them too.

  4. Those sound good, although I don't think I've ever had banana pudding before. We always a few bananas laying around on the counter so this sounds like something simple to whip up when we want something cold.

  5. great idea with the dixie cups

  6. I love banana pudding. I bet these are really good :)
