July 4th: Firecracker Marshmallows

These aren't innovative.
These aren't new.
These are tasty.
I had some left over marshmallows.
I had some left over patriotic spirit from last year.
I have enough sprinkles to feed all the children in daycare in the state of Texas today, but....I didn't see that going over well, so I made these.
I didn't even include steps b/c it's just too easy.
I took bamboo skewers, white chocolate and marshmallows.
I melted the chocolate in the microwave for about 45 seconds.
Dipped half a marshmallow in the chocolate.
I then dipped that half in sprinkles.
I dipped the second half in chocolate (bet you didn't see that coming).
I dipped it in a different sprinkle combo.
I slipped it on the skewer.
Repeated the steps with a second marshmallow.
Added a little snip of licorice to the top...
I let them dry on wax paper.
I took a picture.
I ate them.
I could have decorated a cupcake with these
I could have decorated a cake with these.
But I ate them, and in doing this....
I decorated my left hip, and right thigh instead with an additional layer of....ummm....winter insulation. Yup....I'm always thinking ahead.


  1. Hilarious! Got to make me some of these....Diana from Closet Crafter

  2. I found you on Thrilling Thursday Linky Party. I didn’t join since I haven’t created anything but I had to check out the projects everyone else did. Creative people inspire me and this project is an example of why so I am now following you. I would have never thought of firecracker marshmallows, or watermelon cookies. You have lots of neat stuff on here and I look forward to what you write in the future too. I hope you will follow me back http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I can be found in facebook too http://www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose and twitter @DeniseLillaRose If you like/follow me there I will do the same for you. When you stop by my blog, please check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry).

  3. Cute! Love the little Twizzler piece on top.

  4. You make me laugh!!! :) Love me some Christy! :)
