Numbered Jewelry Box....and Jewelry to Fill It

I've seen all these dressers on the net this past year with numbered drawers.  My first experience was on Lori's blog, and I just love the idea....I just don't have room for a dresser in my house!  So...I bought this little wooden box at Michael's Craft Store for about 5 bucks. 
 I painted one half of the draw white, and then I put stickers over the white, some numbers, some words spelling out 1-5. 
 I painted the whole thing black (you can see the stickers when you look, closely). 
 I peeled off the stickers, and the white numbers were left.  You can also write the numbers with paint after the fact, but this was my lazy attempt.  I sanded down the sides of the drawers and the box.  I've also been jewelry obsessed lately.  I'll be posting some after they are gifted that are a little more elaborate than the below necklaces, but these are just a few I threw together on regular jewelry string.  Nothing fancy, but evidence of my latest addiction.  Black and silver. 
 This is what happens with 99% of my projects.  I went outside to take a picture before it was too dark, but all photos involve a ball game with Max. 
Necklace number two is pearl and gold with a little locket I bought at Michael's as well.  I'm experimenting with color combos these days. 
I need three more and my drawers will be full. 

1 comment

  1. I thought of me when I saw it! The sticker idea is great! Wish I had thought of that. I printed mine out and cut and taped. Great job.
