Pooh Shower Book

 My scrapbooking has definitely gone the way of the buffalo over the last few years, but a few months back my pal Amber and I sequestered ourselves to a local scrapbooking store and I was able to knock out this little book commemorating the shower I threw for my pal Regan, owner of my goddaughter, Micah.  A year and a half later I can 'remember when' with some pictures to remind me.  I blogged all the details over the shower here.  I decided to buy a little cardboard book from Michael's dollar section to put this one together.  I  tied one of the little honey stirrers onto the ring (I actually used two of the books-so $2+paper and doodad not bad, and really easy to put together, just cover the cardboard in photos and scrapbook paper.
Below is the guest sign in.  I bought an old Pooh book at a thrift store and out some pictures to frame for her nursery after decorating the shower with the photos....I used some more pages to decorate my book...
 I added a little flip page here so I could keep all the 'stuff' from the honey bar contained to one spread and the book didn't get too thick....see....pull tab...
 ....two more pictures.
 Another little pull tab on this page...
 I just folded over a piece of paper, and glued one side down.
 One of my favorite photos from the weekend....
 Amber suggested punching a hole in the invite and adding it to the back after laminating it...love that idea!

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