Packaging for Edible Presents

 I'm headed to Good Morning, Texas on Monday morning.  I'll be doing two live segments, so here is half of one of those...the outer layer at least...with a few more ideas I'll share on the show along with the insides.  I'm using a bunch of things you'd normally toss to deliver edible gifts this year...I'll be sharing those edible gifts after the segment.  I'll link up that video to facebook on Monday.  Both.  I'm also doing a post tape for a show to run on Thursday.
First up, my friend Kelly shared this idea with me.  You can fill these little cardboard canisters with cookies and then wrap the outside.  It's the perfect size to slip cookies inside.  Subtract the bow, adding some mailing tape and a label and you can mail these through the mail in the can as well-fun!
 Next up, one of my favorite things-filling egg cartons with mini muffins, or in this case...cake balls.  There will be a theme...more to come soon, but here is the outside.
 Last, I made some wax paper a few years ago via a tutorial I had seen (all linked here).  I decided I could use this same concept to create Christmas themed wax paper.  Gingerbread men!
 I cut out the shape of gingerbread men out of tissue paper.  I just found a template online for the outline.
 Scatter them around a piece of wax paper.
 Cover the wax paper with a second sheet of wax paper.
 Use a heated iron and slide it all around the paper it makes them stick together.  I did several shapes.
 I wrap up bread for a fun and (practically) free delivery.
Now....I'm off to make the innards for these packages!  

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