Bubble Gum Necklace

 I made some baby necklaces a few years back using big chunky pearls.  Here is that tutorial.  I recently came across the idea of making necklaces out of bubblegum at onecharming...uhh....adorable...here is my version!  AND here is a free printable for tags that go along with these:  "I 'chews' you!", get it?
I found these bubble gums for 7 cents each, or 15 for a buck at Party City.  They come it all colors, and even have a fun little sheen on them that I LOVE.
 I took a small screw driver (phillips head) and poked a hole in one side  I did the same to the opposite side.  I didn't go all the way through b/c pushing from the inside makes it crack.
I then slowly rolled it around to make the hole big enough to thread a needle and ribbon through.  
 I used a needled (tapestry) with a head large enough to thread some ribbon through.
 I started with three feet of ribbon.  I left one foot loose and tied a knot on both sides and then threaded another piece of bubble gum, tied another knot etc.
 When I was finished, I tied it together with a ribbon, added a tag, and put them in little jewelry boxes (they sell these at craft stores.

1 comment

  1. These are such a great idea! They would be perfect for a little girl's birthday party or tea party--or even a girly baby shower! Thanks for sharing!
