2 Dollar Chevron Frame

 I'm doing a series of thrifty crafts over the next week and then putting them all together on Good Morning, Texas next Monday morning.  Paige and I went shopping at the Dollar General (their pick) complete with a filming crew.  Sure, a craft store is my home away from home, but I always supplement the doodads with cheap stuff from dollar stores around town.  I say that a lot on TV.  I have no affiliations to any store, or an perks for saying I shop there-but...I do because...it's cheap.  The frames at this particular store were anywhere from a buck to 4 bucks.  I wasn't concerned with the design, but rather the shape. I found this one for half off in the clearance section (2 dollars total).
 I found some chevron paper at Hobby Lobby for 25 centers a sheet and traced the frame (make sure the print is facing the right way if your frame is not even like this one-I learned this the hard way).
 I just used a glue stick to get it stuck down, BUT you could definitely use mod podge for a stronger fix.  The paper is pretty thin, sometimes mod podge makes it bubble if you are using paper thinner than card stock and it takes a lot of smoothing down.  I'm waiting to get matted mod podge instead of the glossy stuff I have on hand.
I made a flower with a scrap of fabric I had, thought you could buy one.  Here is the tutorial for that flower (one of my favorite).  I just hot glued it onto the frame.  I'm going to make a couple more of these with different colored frames.

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