Picnic Ideas for the 4th

I'm sharing ideas that 'travel well' for the 4th today on GMT.  My favorite thing about the fourth...second only do the fireworks...is the whole 'picnic element.' (I originally posted this on the 27th-I had rerecorded the segment in early June b/c I was going to be out of town....but then breaking news and life happened and the segment was moved to today, so....here's a repeat...I'll post a new recipe in a few hours unrelated to this.  :O))
Last year, I shared this traveling ice cream and chalk.  The link to the life changing video can be found here.  (If only there were a font called sarcasm....I'd write it in all the time.  ;o)).
Today's Show I'll be sharing traveling smores....no smokey campfire needed.
Fruit on a Stick (a great way to pack this 'stuff' and prevent sticky hands.
Plate "Packs" that are ready to eat with out all that shuffling and napkin flying business....

....and....Traveling Salad. I posted about this on Tuesday.
I'll eventually post the segment's link to facebook (just click on the facebook button on the top right hand side of the blog). Just a few days to go until the fourth, fireworks, and great food!!!

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