A Week of...Football

This week I'm posting football themed ideas/recipes.  I'm sadly lacking on this blog in the area of sports, though I have quite a few appetizers.  This is my attempt to correct that, and maybe with a slew of post I'll be ready for the superbowl in a few short months (crossing fingers, crossing toes, polishing off Cowboy shirt, pulling out pom poms).  You know what's great about football season regardless of the final score (someone just said, "Nothing.")....food, and a side of crafts!  And so...without further ado...a week of football (and a few blast from the past).  Links attached to the below post...the rest are on their way.
Frito Pie Packs On-The-Go

Pretzel Sugar Cookies (Another idea I found, loved, and tried from the Decorated Cookie, link attached)

Touchdown Taco Dip (Laine's Recipe :O))

Loaded Baked Potato Dip

Here are just a few past appetizers that scream "football" to me....and screaming...it just seemed like it fit the football theme. 
Strawberry Footballs
Slider's (These are so good, and I don't eat burgers 99.999% of the time.)

Chili's Chili Queso

Pizza (Appetizers) On-A-Stick

Linking To:  Under the Table and Dreaming CRAFT Keeping it Simple Dittle Dattle CraftOManiac Savvy Homemade All Thingz Related Tip Junkie Sugar Bee Crafty Soiree 7-33 Funky Junk Be Different...Act Normal Frog Blog


  1. you have a plethora (love that word) of great ideas here, girl!

  2. Hi,blog hopping and following from Savvy HomeMade Monday. Please check out my blog and would love a follow back. Thanks


  3. Hook 'em horns! Wow this is amazing. I would love for you to come link up with the frog! http://kissedbyafrog.blogspot.com/2011/08/frog-blog-linky-10.html
    The link with the most clicks get free advertising for a week.

  4. Love all of your football theme ideas!

  5. Great football post! Thank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday. I hope you will party again tomorrow!

  6. Just wanted to hop over and say THANK YOU for linking up with the frog last week! We had a record breaking week; all because of you! Hope you will join us again tomorrow for the par-tay!

  7. My fav. is the tutu. I'm a Texan, and a Longhorn fan at that. I think I might try to make one for my niece!
