
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You know I really have a problem with the fact that I feel my dogs are misunderstood. They have such a bad reputation with my family and friends, but I want to know how many of you look this cute sitting on my couch? Lilly is sprouting wings she's such an angel. I think YOU guys are a bad influence on MY dogs, not vise versa! I tell them all the time they are little angels just 'thrown' down from heaven (they are dogs so they don't really grasp the meaning behind thrown versus falling). Marie, this ones for you, I think this covers the dog quota for awhile!


Msheepers said...

But what about pictures of Max?

He might feel left out!

Christy said...

He doesn't have an email account....so he doesn't know.....unless someone tells him...Lilly will...she's smart like that....and mean like that. I'll have to get out the camera.....plus, it's hard to FIT all of Max into a picture....