Babies, Bows and Bread

Friday, January 05, 2007

Between watching episodes of the Dog Whisperer with Max and Lilly, I've been busy during my last week of vacation. (For those of you who have watched the D.W. it says at the beginning of the show not to try the techniques at home, but I bypass the warning, and some of the things really seem to work....much to Lilly and Max's dismay because a new leader of the pack seems to be emerging-me!). Mid-Week I got to visit with Carrilee and Henry who are in town for the holidays, what a happy baby! He's nine months and growing, walking, kissing, smiling, and playing. I think I'm in the presense of a future sports star for sure when I'm around Henry. Holly and I went for cheesecake again today, (New Year's Resolutions don't necessarily EXCLUDE cheesecake, imagine all the dairy present in those little slices.), and yesterday I baked bread.....I didn't even use a bread machine. Each week there is a section in the paper called "Taste" and I am constantly cutting out little ideas I'd like to try....but never do....and this week it was homemade sandwich bread. It took two attempts (those of you who have baked with me, or spoken with me soon after I baked will not be surprised and can probably fill in the blanks to envision the disaster that happened in my kitchen between the first attempt and second success), BUT it was well worth the effort, the recipe was fabulous, and the bread was delicious. I even took a photos (aren't blogs more interesting with pictures?). Scratch the screen and see if you can catch a little whiff of the bread baking smell b/c that's half the fun.....and to end this week I've been helping my friend Mary out with her daughter's wedding (next week). I made pew bows until we ran out of ribbons yesterday (19 and counting on the pew bows), and am about to head back over to make more bows, decorate bird cages, flower girl baskets and other things that pop up along the way. As for my to do list (this one's for you Carrilee), I did finally get my hair trimmed, but other than that, the list is collecting dust....but I think that's the sign of a great vacation.....there's enough time to get that stuff done 'tomorrow.'

1 comment

Msheepers said...

I've started watching some of the Dog Whisperer, and I really enjoy it. Good luck with Max and Lily - show them who the pack leader is!

I keep wondering whether there's a "cat whisperer" because I'd sure like some advice about Whiskers and Einstein!

Your bread looks great! I actually asked for a breadmaker for Christmas, and I'm looking forward to trying it out.