Planes, Trains, and Automobiles....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

...well, two out of three ain't bad. We spent the last 5 days (minus a one day stop in Seattle) traveling via the Starlight Express up the West Coast. I could not even begin to tell you all the great sites, sounds, and smells (thought 'great' doesn't describe all three of those senses at certain times) via the incredible train ride. At this point, I wish I had a thesaurus b/c I think I'm running out of adjectives. Each adventure has been a vacation unto itself, so here are just a few of the highlights-traveling at high speeds, this is where my pictures don't do it justice. We headed out via LA, and hit the coast for many hours, there were points where we dangled over the beach at the top of a cliff, and other points that the shore was 50 feet away from the tracks. We passed a ton of farms (including a sunflower farm tht woke me at dawn-so gorgeous), mountain ranges, rain forest, babbling brooks, raging rivers, tunnels, bridges, cities, seals, dolphins, deer, ghost towns, a NASA emergency landing strip, old missions, train yard graffiti,and much more. I learned a lot about traveling via train, but have some sleep to catch up on, here are just a few highlights.


Thomas Family said...

What an incredible trip...You will have to share your itinerary I would love to take that train ride.

Msheepers said...

Is the Starlight Express an Amtrak route? Or some other train service?

Can you post a link to their website?

Christy said...

Yes, with Amtrak, they have a great book they will send you for free with all the routes listed, just long on to the website If you do decide to take a trip, let me know....I've got a list of things I would do differently-you live and learn. :O)

Msheepers said...

I'd love to hear all about it. Do you want to send me an email or we can do a phone call?

We're planning our anniversary trip, and I was intrigued by your train trip.

The route that I read about last night on Amtrak's website (the Coastal Starlight?) is about 35 hours long. When I priced it round trip from LA to SEA with a "roomette", it ended up being about $1300. That seemed a little pricy when all it would do is get us to / from Seattle...?