
Monday, March 30, 2009

I've never had Spanish food, or in particular:tapas. Now, I have. I snagged a picture with my phone, it doesn't do it justice. The food just kept coming....and coming....and coming. We (my Classic's Bookclub) tried out LOTS of little appetizer versions of the menu, and I'd probably still be eating if we didn't protest our fullness and asked the chef to stop cooking. My favorite was the bread, and the rice (paella). I doubt anyone is surprised by that revelation. There were a lot of olives, pickles, and tomatoes garnishing each dish. I tried everything but the fish. I just don't like it. I've tried in tons of times to be polite at the assurance of others that I would like THIS fish if I would just try it. I never do, and at 29, I can finally say-no thank you. It was an interesting experience, and far different from our usual restaurant hangouts!

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