We boarded a boat for an hour and a half rainy cruise down the Rhine River. The Rhine River was, and is a big route for shipping vessels. We saw about 15 of the MANY castles built here a long time ago to tax these ships passing through. Now, week long cruises also head down this LONG river on a regular basis with vacationers.

We also passed those timbered villages I love so much, with the uniform brown hues. In Germany, most of the churches have gold roosters perched on top of the steeples. There were some pretty interesting little villages, including the smallest village where the church is also half pub. I guess that makes it easy to get the wine for the Lord's Supper.

We passed the Lorelei Rock, which is a rock perched along a pretty sharp curve in the river, that caused a lot of wrecks in the years past, and started the tales about the Siren that distracted the sailors from their intended route.

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