Day Two in San Francisco: Pier 39

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our first official site-seeing stop in San Francisco was Pier 39. I had to see the Sea Lions! They are very cute, very loud, and they don't like to share their docking space (sort of like a wet version of my dogs trying to find 'their spot' in bed in the evenings). There were a lot more than the ones pictured here (and this is about 1/5 of the population that usually hangs out on the docks, but the rest headed out on a summer vacation). Along with a spot to sit and watch the Sea Lions, the Pier also has tons of places to eat, shop, and play. We did a bit of all of the above! There was a pair of Sea Lions who spent more than thirty minutes pushing each other off the dock, leaping back up, pushing, actually never stopped, I just left, they are probably still there fighting over the perfect spot. I think the Sea Lions in San Francisco have to be one of my favorite things! We actually swung by the Pier 3 times in the two days we were in town.

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