If Candy Corn was a person, I'd be arrested for stalking. I mean, I'm obsessed. Fortunately, I've convinced myself it's a seasonal candy. Please don't tell myself it's not. In the fall, I can't resist it. It's too late for intervention. First, I buy a bag, and I spend about a week smelling it before I open it. I mean, really, I sit it on my desk at work and I pick it up about 15 times a day just to smell the sweet goodness. Yes, while it's still closed....I don't want anyone to be disturbed if they ever ate any I provided....not that the rest of this isn't disturbing, but AT LEAST it's not germy. And then I usually buy a can of peanuts, and I mix the sweet candy corns with the salty peanuts. I invent a reason why I need people to meet in my room at work. I give them half a dixie cup of candy corn, and then eat the rest all by myself. And then I spend the next 364 days complaining about how I can't lose any weight even though I try really hard, I mean, April 14, 2008 I even brought my gym bag to work and thought about working out. I must just have one of those slow metabolism thingies. As if I don't have enough quirks, and obsessions, Making Memories With your Kids had to go and make a homemade version of my very favorite treat, (not to be confused with Skittles and Cadberry Eggs, my other very favorite treats).
This is her fun recipe, with fun color twist for for all the holidays.....and if that isn't the best bad news my diet ever heard...I don't know what else would be. The best part is, the recipe worked exactly as she said it would. I love that!
Here's the recipe for
Homemade Candy Corns.
Ingredients: 1 c. sugar, 2/3 c. light corn syrup, 1/3 c. butter, 1 t. clear vanilla, 2 1/2 c. powdered sugar, 1/3 c. powdered milk, 1/4 t. salt, food coloring.
1. In a saucepan, combine sugar, butter, corn syrup. Cook on high heat, stir constantly and bring to boil. Reduce to medium/low heat and cook 5 min. more. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat and add vanilla.
2. Sift powdered sugar, powdered milk, salt into pan, and mix thoroughly. Allow dough to cool 30 minutes.
3. Divide into 3 parts, add 3 drops of yellow to one, 2 drops of yellow and one drop of red to make the orange, and leave the third white. It felt sort of like playdough, and I just kneaded it into the color I liked.
4. Roll into slender rope. Line ropes together, and cut into triangles with a sharp knife.
5. Let the candies dry for 1-2 hours until hardened so they don't stick together. I also made a few 'bigger candy corns' and I slipped them on sticks to make candy corn suckers.
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WOW... I make a lot of things but candy corn has never been one I've tried! (Which is probably a good thing since I have an unnatural love of the stuff) What a great post in case I decide to get creative again :)
You crack me up Christy! So glad you made them and loe them as much as us. But your candy corn suckers are AWESOME!!! Holy smokes. I'd devour the entire thing. Thanks for linking back to me =o)
Dude, coolest thing ever!
Hey, Christy! Thanks so much for stopping by Crafts & Sutch and for leaving such a sweet comment. I think the eyeballs make the witch's broom too! LOL!
Do you make a lot of candy? If you do, I'm in trouble! I've got a big sweet tooth! Those candy corn treats look super yummy!
Have a great week!
Erin :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing the recipe!
That is hilarious! Im the same way with Candbury Mini Eggs that come out at Easter!
Great post!
Who candy corn could look so cute on a stick? Thanks for sharing!
Shame on you for showing me this. Hmph. Now I'm just gonna have to make some. Really, though, they're adorable. Bet my daughter's class would love them.
Thanks for sharing.
Christy, those are fabulous, we love candy corn. I don't know why on earth it has a bad rap as being a candy everyone hates?! We've gone through two bags already. Those are super fun and my daughter would get a huge kick out of them!
Typo on instruction #2. I put the dry ingredients in pant, and ended up with a mess in my pants. Tried adding the same ingredients to the pan, and it worked much better.
Might want to remove that 't' in case other fools believe putting powdered sugar and milk in their pant will help in any way to make candy corn.
These look dangerous...I have a similar stalker-syndrome and couldn't imagine having the wherewithal to produce candy corn at will!
Thank you for the recipe! I was craving for sweets too when I saw your blog post! I might try it later when I get home, although I'm still not allowed to eat sweets til next month - orders from my dentist. Laurel, MD has a lot of candy stores too so I don't think I'll last long. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate dentists. Laurel, MD in fact, is popular for having kind dentists! As for your recipe, I guess I'll have to bookmark it for now and continue with my withdrawal.
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