Thanksgiving 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010
This year, my best friend, Regan came down from Tennessee to visit for Thanksgiving break.  Her husband is deployed overseas, and I got custody for the holidays.  We've made about 3,000 projects, eaten 300,000 calories, and stayed up past 3 am every night...more on this later when I have time to go through photos, and we are finished making memories to talk about later.  When I start listing the things I'm thankful for, the list is long, but our friendship of 22 years...and counting makes the list every time.  Here's hoping your table is filled with the people you love most, and that you are making memories you  talk about in the years to go. 

1 comment

Regan said...

I love you! I am so thankful for every day of our friendship and look forward to all the days yet to come in our future! I can't wait to see the latest pictures I wasn't able to download before I know, the ones of our 3,000 crafts and 300,000 calories (which I will be burning off until July). I'm going to try not to get too overzealous, but it's gonna be hard....real hard...