All it took was the dollar plastic pumpkin, glue, water, and paper. I tore the paper into bits. I mixed a glue water paste (probably about 2 T of glue to 1 c. water). I ran each piece through and just set it on the pumpkin and overlapped each one a bit. I cut off the handle b/c I replaced it later with one that was more 'vintage.'
after the first layer, I used two pieces of cardboard and taped on the ear shape with masking tape, then I repeated the glue/paste process two more times. Since there is a solid pumpkin underneath, this is more than enough layers. I took a can of spray paint I got for a dollar and sprayed it up.
I used paint, a paint brush, and some mediocre painting skills and went to work on the face. You could use a pencil in advance to trace out your parts, but I used the good ol' 'wipe it off' method if I didn't like the shape I initiailly painted on. I also use the 'unplug/replug computer' method to fix any computer problems...I clearly missed out on my calling as an A) Artist and B) Computer Engineer.
I then bought a dowel rod, sawed off a 3 inch piece, paint it black and then drilled a hole in both sides of the bucket, and both ends of the dowel rod (I didn't have a bit big enough to go through the entire dowel rod. I cut some wire (two pieces) to attach the handle, and wrapped it through the hole, and then poke each piece into the sides of the dowel and just glue them into place. I added a little 'curl' to the wire with a pencil b/c it was cute....and I cut the wire too long and didn't want to go through that process again.
...I don't know what this is dog either A) Is not happy about a cat being in the house. B) Wants to know where the candy is that is supposed to fill this guy or C) Wants to know why this stupid project took away from his petty time.
Ta da...the finished product...

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