Teaching Tuesday: 100th Day-Entertainment

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
     Apparently, it's all about the 100th day right now.  In my defense, it's what I've been working on.  In my other life, I'm helping plan a trip that got really big really fast, so all the details have consumed a lot of my time.  By the end of January, I will be back, and my hope is I'll have more time to prepare things in advance, like lessons.  I'd love to put all my 100th Day Museum pieces in one email, but right now, I'm posting it piece by piece. 
     I'm creating a 'museum' of things from 100 years ago for the students to tour on the 100th day of school.  I have all different categories:  school 100 years ago, entertainment, inventions, daily life, food.  There will be some interactive pieces, and samples. 
     This year, our district provided ipads for each student, so what I've been doing for a lot of the different categories is making QR codes.  In this case, when you scan the QR code for the Jazz page, a song should pop up that was popular in 1919.  Here is a link to a free printable of this page. 
     Once I have it all together, I'll try to post it all together, but right now you can click the 100th day link below this post to go to the other resources I've already published.   

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