This weekend...

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Normally, I would have probably posted more on the blog this weekend, and I definitely would have posted pictures, but I'm having technical difficulties....I think I'm going to be hosting a funeral for my modem this evening, you are all invited to say a few I'm using this district issued lap top....I just wanted you to know I was putting your tax dollars to work (trust me, this is one of the better things that happen with them in the schools these days). The highlights from the weekend....
Friday: I signed my contract for next year....dunt dunt dunt dunt (that's the jaws theme for those of you that don't get musical telepathy on your computers). Then I met Sandye for coffee after work where I saw her GORGEOUS ring....seriously.....breath taking and we talked of my favorite topics of conversation!
Saturday: I took Max to K-9 Kerplunk at the public pool, he was soooooo cute. First, he hated swimming, he fell in twice....and had to be rescued by a police officer in a total panic b/c he refused to swim over to the step I was on and kept trying to get out on the side in the deep end.....ugh. I brought his very favorite ball from Petsmart with us to play and despite all the other toys flying around, this ball was seriously THE toy to play with. ALL the other dogs (and there were hundreds) kept stealing it and their owners kept bring it back. Max was a good boy though, he is absolutely not agressive with other dogs, but he sure wanted his toy, so he just followed them around hoping they would drop it.
Last night I went to the Ranger's game with the family.....Jason and Tonya, Xavier and Taylor and Mom....the Ranger's lost to the Yankees, which was so painful to watch with our old boy A-Rod (gag) on their team. It was actually cold and rainy, which I'm not used it, but in the end, it was a good time. Can I just say, regardless of the lose---->I love the ballpark!

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