I think I pretty much just live to amuse myself most days....Today I went to Hobby Lobby to meet my friend Mary, who has a daughter who is getting married, and we picked out glass containers etc....but that's another story....for YEARS I've been promising her I'd make a mum for her kids for all their homecoming dances etc, and then every year the time gets away from both of us and her sons and daughters have ended up spending 75 bucks for the basics at the mum shop....so THIS year....we finally hit the right timing. Her son didn't care, he just wanted cheap.....he's a real doll, so just know...he works hard for his money but he's a guy, and his idea of a mum is a one time thing that then gets trashed. Anyway, I made Mary save all his old mums (he just wants to toss them), b/c I told her we could use the old parts....and we did. I didn't add anything that wasn't already on any of his other mums (if you guys were around in high school, you'd know my Mums are usually more elaborate than even this, I don't add this picture to impress you with craftiness, but rather the price). I even used the center off one of his old mums! It's a good thing he has a new girl friend every year...I used some of the letters from the last four girl friends, wouldn't you just DIE if you found that out?....but....for 10 bucks....he's got a mum....Did your high schools do mums (if you weren't at Pearce, if you were at Pearce, you
KNOW we did!) If so, did you keep them? I still have all mine...I need to chunk them, I probaby have ten. We didn't just give mums for dates, we gave them to friends etc etc etc....and it wasn't just the one mum suckers, it was 2 and 3....OUTRAGEOUS....how easily manipulated society is ;o) It was fun though.....those cow bell noise in the hall :O)
1 comment
Whoa....that always shocks me, a few people at BU said the same thing....the bigger, the louder, the more trinket filled, the better. There are several ROWS in all the craft stores dedicated to mum materials....it's mum mania!
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