The project I'm working on....
This is a part of the quilt I'm currently working on...and the dog I'm currently looking for a home for b/c he stood on the quilt I was working on.....big jerk. I'm making this quilt for myself this time......I'm debating on whether or not to add a border (my quilting 'expert' friend says yes, but another gal who quilts says I don't have too), I still have to sew the border, and backing, then take it to be 'quilted' then sew on the it's quite a ways from being done....but it is actually starting to look like a quilt.....I've only had it since last March ;o)....I'm sure it won't be the last time you see it, but I thought I'd send a little picture of what I've been doing in the evenings lately :O).
Oh, this was that quilt from earlier in the year?
I wonder what happened to that!
Yeah, not much for a long time as you can see, it effectively trapped dust in my room for about the first 8 months ;o) has now not moved beyond it's current status on the website...maybe over the holidays....I'm waiting to make some final decisions regarding whether or not to add a border, if I decide to, I need more I'm teaching Mom to make a quilt......key word MOM will make it, not have me make it 'showing' her how to do all the parts.
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