51 of 101

Friday, March 28, 2008
....maybe not the most exciting news for anyone, but me...

Over spring break I checked off the 51st thing on my 101 list. Granted, there are some pretty tough things left on there, and I imagine it will be at LEAST another 10 years before I'm finished, but this is one more thing accomplished (and I needed to accomplish this before I can complete some of the other 'travel' related 'to do' items). For the first time, I applied for a passport. I even got a cute little cover (like it's going to get so much wear and tear I'll need one, but it was cute, I couldn't resist). I went and turned in all my paperwork last Friday, and it came in the mail today, a WEEK to the day of the application. I had heard all the expectations about it taking 6-8 weeks, but I'm guessing the postal service was kind to me....considering how much business I've given them over the years. ;o)

1 comment

Thomas Family said...

maybe that means it won't take me forever since we could single handedly keep the post office in business