Whew, it's finished! I've been babysitting a one-ring circus in my room at work for months now waiting for this day to come. Sweet Kristine is about to deliver baby girl number two, and today some of her biggest fans (myself included) threw her a baby shower! Everyone showed up, we had a great time, and the usually very healthy staff at my work dug into the junk food.
The Mom-to-be who does not look 8 months pregnant,and Missy.
The guest sign-in area.
The 'concessions.'
The cupcakes in all their glory. It took forever to get people to try them.
Here we are serving drinks and general junk food, is there any other food group at a circus?
The candy bar was everyone's favorite spot.
Terry was in charge of passing out popcorn, and harrassing people in general, no clown necessary with this gal around.
We covered the tables with different colored butcher paper and crayons, popcorn, vintage, and not so vintage circus toys, and old circus programs. Each table had a different little collection.
We put the gifts in the baby tent.
That is amazing! I love the candy bar! Where did you find those candy dishes?? Not to mention the cupcakes..amazing!
It turned out to be a lot of fun, I didn't know how 'adults' would feel about a carnival....but I liked the bright colors. I've been collecting jars for awhile, I think I'm 'done' with my collection....we will see about that. I got a few at Michael's half off, Kohls after Christmas, pottery barn etc....where ever. The first one cost a lot, then I got smart and found them on sale after that. I use them all the time for parties. :O)
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