New Toy

Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's true, nobody is safe now....I got a NEW camera this Christmas. This is also part of my birthday gift (6+ months early), but it's something I've wanted for a long fact, it's one of my items on my 101 List. I LOVE it already. I spent most of my day chasing animals down b/c they may not sit too still, but they don't complain about having their pictures taken. This is the year I want to get serious about photography. I never feel like I can really capture the experience on film...thus, a nice camera puts me one step closer. Here is my first (of MANY) shots of the day (Muffin)....I'm sure I'll want your picture soon, so let this be your warning!


Msheepers said...

Muffin doesn't look very happy.

Christy said...

We were having some artistic differences. She didn't understand why she needed to wake up from her nap if I wasn't planning on feeding her.

Thomas Family said...

So now I need more details on your I love it, and now I have an excuse for a new one too

Christy said...

It's digital, 12 mega pix (Rebel XSI). I looked at a lot of Nikons vs Canons b/c I love my Nikon 'regular' digital. I asked a ton of people I knew with cameras, and did a lot of research, and this seemed to be the best deal. The Nikons have their 'parts' in the lenses, this camera has it's 'parts' in the camera. The lenses cost more than the camera in some cases, which is crazy, but it came with a great one for starters, 'someday' I want a zoom, but I need to figure this out for now. I can't wait to practice taking pictures (never a problem for me). I'll keep you posted. I definitely think you need one to match. :O)