We drove through the Tuscan Hills, and "Under the Tuscan Sun" and we passed acres of sunflower fields.

We also passed the areas they quarry large rocks for sculptures, including the 'rock fields' where The David's material was brought from years ago. The rock can be as large as a car, and rest along the side of the road after being removed until the crew picks it up, and ships it out to it's new home, and it's new artist.

Pinocchio's was born in southern Italy so they had Pinocchio 'everything' in the shops.

Last, is my dream Italian job. I'm pretty sure that if I moved to Italy, I too would like to be a part of the assembly line that puts together these marshmallow/sugar coated bouquets. I don't know who came up with the idea to place flower shaped marshmallows on sticks, and sell bouquets of them...but they are everywhere. Let's be real, this so sounds like something I would do....

seriously, you should just start up your own little business here!
Yes, I am very certain there is a pretty wide open market for marshmallow flower bouquets at this point, so I'll start drafting the business plans. :O)
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