I confess, I read the end of books first. I want to make sure they have a happy ending before I invest time into the read. So, on my blog-I'll start at the end of my story. This past week and a half my Mom, brother, and I made a trip to CA, with some great stops along the way, and a good ending, this is the ending, the rest will follow. Our motivation for this trip was making time to meet cute, little Blythe Anne before she got any older. She's the first of the next generation in our family, and she's a fabulous place to start that generation. We arrived in Pasadena on Wednesday evening, and headed straight to Jimmy, Lydia, Blythe, October, and Zippy's new house to get in a few hugs, and holds. Blythe is the cutest little girl (sure I'm biased, but also, truthful) with big blues eyes, a serious outlook on the world around her, and the best little facial expressions. She loves her Mom, a LOT, and is happiest in her arms, but can appreciate a good nap with Dad as well. She isn't so sure about the rest of us, maybe Jimmy told her the story about the finger I cut (for the record, I was SAVING him, but I'll have years to tell my side of the story when she is a little bit older). In any case, over the two and a half days we were there, we snuck in a few Blythe 'holdings', I got to take her on a walk that put her to sleep, and she was completely fine with us playing with her as she bounced in her chair, or kicked on her back after changing. She also blessed us with the best smiles. She so precious, it was hard not to hold her the whole time, but I didn't want to leave any scars....so maybe I can sneak in a few more squishy hugs when we see her again for Christmas. It was hard to say good bye and know how many months it will be before we see her again, but I feel blessed by the internet, digital cameras and facebook friends who also share pictures of this little one. Here is my little album on facebook. I can only imagine what I would have done with a full week of photos. More pictures to come from the trip, but these were some of my favorites of Blythe and her world! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=99608&id=725172809&l=69d29eee07
I read the endings too and it drives Ruben crazy. I also prefer to read the recaps of shows and then watch them. And just wait 'till that blue eyed angel says your name.
I know you left your heart in California!! She is adorable!!
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