Here it is....

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Here are the front pages of the Neighbor's Section to all the Morning News papers that will go out in tomorrow's paper across North Texas!
My picture is on the front page of several of the paper's editions, and it will be on all of the paper's page two! (Some say "Plano Woman" some say "Collin Woman"....Collin is the county I live in. I'm so excited to SEE the paper...not looking forward to reading was a bad interview. Whatever, I'm storing this little story to bring out when anyone complains about me taking too many pictures. I'm going to pick up my ipod tomorrow, and get my photo taken....don't know where that will run, the lady said it would run in the papers too, but I'm COMPLETELY fine if it doesn't. God has such a sense of humor....mustard, and a breakfast corn dog, and I found a way to get a free ipod! This whole situation makes me laugh everytime I think about it. :O)

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