On Monday I met my good pal, Nicole for breakfast, and gift exchange. I treasure these get togethers each year. There are few people who I feel more comfortable with my problems, and celebrations, and I enjoy the talking, and listening! After that, I headed over to my dear friend, Mary's house for what she says will be the first of many Christmas lunches. She opened up her beautiful home to her 'old'-(physically, and mentally) teacher friends. We each brought salads, stories, and laughs. When I got home, Mom and I headed out to Northpark, Dallas' first mall. We shopped (mostly through the windows), and walked past the stairs she sang carols on as a child, and the hallways she walked through with her Mom in years past. The decorations are great, but I like the memories best. Afterwards, we made a quick stop at Steins for gingerbread cookies, and petit fours. One more Christmas tradition lived again. :O) That evening I finished up a few more Christmas gifts, including something I've always wanted to try (I wish I could explain why)-homemade marshmallows, via Martha Stewarts Vanilla Marshmallow recipes. They were fun to make, and I even found some little boxes to package them in to take as gifts. I'm sure it's not the most traditional gift people recieved this year, but I can now mark off 'making marshmallows' from my gift list. :O)

1 comment
LOVED! LOVED! LOVED! the marshmellow treats!!! Delicious! I can't believe you made them!! What a sweet gift!:) We loved seeing you and your precious mommma!!
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